© True North Inspection Services, LLC
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Sample Reports



If you are comparing multiple home inspectors, it is very important for you to look at sample reports so that you know what your inspection product will look like. A True North report is simple to read because we publish only information specific to your house. However, if additional information is desired, you will find in-report links to additional information. You will find other inspectors’ reports are usually cluttered with general information that makes it difficult for their clients to locate and decipher what is relevant to their specific house. A True North report also includes a summary to highlight our most significant findings, simplifying the process for you and your agent to quickly view our most significant findings. Finally, at the back of the report we provide you with a complete reference library that will help you understand your home and how it works. The links on this page offer you over 400 pages of valuable information about your home.

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© True North Inspection Services, LLC
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Sample Reports



If you are comparing multiple home inspectors, it is very important for you to look at sample reports so that you know what your inspection product will look like. A True North report is simple to read because we publish only information specific to your house. However, if additional information is desired, you will find in-report links to additional information. You will find other inspectors’ reports are usually cluttered with general information that makes it difficult for their clients to locate and decipher what is relevant to their specific house. A True North report also includes a summary to highlight our most significant findings, simplifying the process for you and your agent to quickly view our most significant findings. Finally, at the back of the report we provide you with a complete reference library that will help you understand your home and how it works. The links on this page offer you over 400 pages of valuable information about your home.

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